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Lake Minnie Belle
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Gervais Lake
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Neighbors Think?
Common Problems:



Site challenges

Nuisance Species

List of species better adapted to ice ridges

Ice ridges (typically higher, drier, with some seasonal movement)
Plants listed below are organized by life form. Some of the species are not distributed throughout the state of Minnesota. Consult the native plant encyclopedia maps to select species that are appropriate for your part of the state. Also, check the native plant profiles to match the shoreland zone and soil type requirements for each species to the characteristics of your site.

Shrubs and trees:
Alnus incana ssp. rugosa speckled alder
Cornus species various dogwoods
Rhus glabra smooth sumac

Grasses, sedges, rushes:
Carex species various sedges
Elymus canadensis Canada wild rye
Elymus virginicus Virginia wild-rye
Koeleria macrantha junegrass
Schizachyrium scoparium little bluestem
Spartina pectinata prairie cordgrass

Eupatorium maculatum spotted Joe-Pye weed
Euthamia graminifolia grass-leaved goldenrod
Physostegia virginiana obedient plant
Verbena hastata blue vervain